Germany > Legal entities > Establishing a company in Germany
Establishing a company in Germany
Are you planning to expand your business activities to the territory of Germany? We will advise you and help you with setting up your company.

We can help you with administration and solutions in Germany
Are you planning to expand your business activities to the territory of Germany and do not know which type of business to choose? We can advise and assist you with the establishment of a company in Germany (limited liability company – so-called GmbH, organisational unit, UG, limited partnership, etc.). The most sought-after form in Germany is the establishment of a limited liability company (GmbH) with a minimum capital of EUR 25,000.
In Germany, companies are incorporated by notarial deed. To speed up the process, we recommend that you come to the notary public in person, and we will be happy to accompany you to the notary public also in order to ensure the necessary translation.
The name of the company as well as the subject of business must be approved by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) competent according to the company’s future registered office before the company is registered in the commercial register. Each company must have a bank account into which the share capital is paid.
German banks have recently been very strict when it comes to opening accounts with disposition rights for foreigners and many banks refuse to open accounts for such newly established companies or ask for a large amount of documents. However, based on our many years of experience on the German market, we can also help you overcome this administrative barrier.
Frequently asked questions
What are the forms of incorporation in Germany if I want to do business in Germany?
For start-up entrepreneurs there is the form UG, where it is enough to deposit a share capital of EUR 1. It is an economic form designed exactly for cases when you do not know how you will continue to prosper and you do not have to repay high capital. The second form is the classic GmbH – here, however, there is already an obligation to repay the share capital, or at least half of it amounting to EUR 12,500.
Does a company have to have a bank account opened before being registered in the commercial register?
In case of the UG form, it is not a condition for registration in the commercial register that the company has an account opened, but in case of a GmbH, it is necessary to pay the share capital into the bank account.