Are you interested in working in Austria? Check whether or not it is a regulated trade!

The path to good earnings in Austria may not be easy for people from our country. The laws and rules there are often complicated and breaking them can cost you dearly. This also applies if you want to provide services or carry out temporary work in Austria. Before you go into business with our neighbours, be sure to check with experts so that you do not burn your fingers.

If you are attracted to the Austrian labour market by the opportunity to provide cross-border services or to work on a temporary basis, you should first check whether your activities fall under the scope of a regulated trade. In this case, you have to report the performance services and work to the relevant Austrian ministry even before the work starts!

Reporting obligation applies

The reporting obligation applies to regulated trades as defined in the Austrian regulations. Certainly do not rely on the fact that the obligation does not apply to you because the work you do is a free trade in Slovakia. This applies, for example, to a large part of construction work, which in our country falls under free trades, but in Austria it is considered a regulated trade. 

Our experts at ProfiDeCon will be happy to advise you on how to work in Austria and guide you safely through the maze of conditions required by the laws there.

What you need to document

When you report your work activity to the Austrian ministry, you must first document your work experience or education in the field you are interested in. The Ministry will then assess whether you have the necessary qualifications to do the job.

However, care must be taken as many activities require other more stringent conditions to be met. This applies, for example, to construction work. In this case, you must also provide proof of damage insurance of at least €1 million per claim. Additional rules also apply to many trades or services.

When can you start working?

You can only start performing work in Austria once the local ministry has approved your declaration of activity. Definitely do not do anything without that. It does not pay to take risks and circumvent Austrian law. Otherwise, you can be fined several thousand euros.

If you pass the whole reporting process, the Ministry will issue you with a certificate valid for 1 year. At the same time, you will be entered in an online register, where your Austrian customer can verify the validity of the declaration.

More than 50,000 Slovaks work in Austria. If you are interested in working and doing business in Austria or Germany, contact with confidence the experts with many years of experience.
